Class LynaUpdateDataBuilder


public class LynaUpdateDataBuilder extends UpdateDataBuilder<LynaUpdateDataBuilder,LynaUpdateData>
  • Constructor Details

    • LynaUpdateDataBuilder

      public LynaUpdateDataBuilder(Plugin plugin, int productId)
  • Method Details

    • host

      public LynaUpdateDataBuilder host(String host)
    • updateMessage

      public LynaUpdateDataBuilder updateMessage(String updateMessage)
      Set the update notification message. Provides some placeholders to modify the message with runtime information
      Available placeholder
      plugin_name The name of the plugin
      new_version The new version string
      current_version The current version string
      website The website set in the plugin.yml or provided by UpdateDataBuilder.updateUrl(String)
      Available Lyna placeholder
      new_time Pretty formatted duration string showing the time since new version was published
      current_time Pretty formatted duration string showing the time since current version was published
      new_date_time The date and time the version was published
      current_date_time The date and time the current used version was published
      updateMessage in class UpdateDataBuilder<LynaUpdateDataBuilder,LynaUpdateData>
      updateMessage - the update message to be sent
      builder instance
    • build

      public LynaUpdateData build()
      Specified by:
      build in class UpdateDataBuilder<LynaUpdateDataBuilder,LynaUpdateData>