Class PersistentDataWrapper


public class PersistentDataWrapper extends Object
A wrapper class for PersistentDataContainer. Provides convenient methods for interacting with the persistent data of an object.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • create

      public static PersistentDataWrapper create(PersistentDataHolder holder)
    • setIfAbsent

      public <T, Z> void setIfAbsent(NamespacedKey key, PersistentDataType<T,Z> type, Z value)
      Sets a value in a data container if it is absent.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of key
      Z - type of value
      key - key to set
      type - type of key
      value - value of key
    • compute

      @Nullable public <T, Z> Z compute(NamespacedKey key, PersistentDataType<T,Z> type, Function<@Nullable Z,Z> map)
      Compute a value in a PersistentDataContainer based on the current value
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of value
      Z - type of value
      key - key to compute
      type - type of key
      map - map the current value to the new value. Current value is null if key is not set.
      the mapped value. can be null if mapping function returns null or holder is null
    • computeIfAbsent

      @Nullable public <T, Z> Z computeIfAbsent(NamespacedKey key, PersistentDataType<T,Z> type, Z value)
      Compute a value in a PersistentDataContainer if it is not set.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of value
      Z - type of value
      key - key to compute
      type - type of key
      value - value which should be set if the key is not present.
      the value associated with this key. can be null if holder is null.
    • computeIfPresent

      @Nullable public <T, Z> Z computeIfPresent(NamespacedKey key, PersistentDataType<T,Z> type, Function<Z,Z> mappingFunction)
      Compute a value in a PersistentDataContainer if is set.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of value
      Z - type of value
      key - key to compute
      type - type of key
      mappingFunction - function to map the current value to the new value.
      the value associated with this key. can be null if holder is null.
    • get

      public <T, Z> Optional<Z> get(NamespacedKey key, PersistentDataType<T,Z> type)
      Get a value from a persistent data holder.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of value
      Z - type of value
      key - key to get
      type - type of key
      result wrapped in an optional if present.
    • getOrDefault

      public <T, Z> Z getOrDefault(NamespacedKey key, PersistentDataType<T,Z> type, Z defaultValue)
      Get a value from a persistent data holder.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of value
      Z - type of value
      key - key to get
      type - type of key
      defaultValue - default value if key is absent
      result wrapped in an optional if present.
    • put

      public <T, Z> void put(NamespacedKey key, PersistentDataType<T,Z> type, Z value)
      Set a value in a PersistentDataContainer.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of value
      Z - type of value
      key - key to set
      type - type of key
      value - value to set
    • hasKey

      public <T, Z> boolean hasKey(NamespacedKey key, PersistentDataType<T,Z> type)
      Check if a key is present in the PersistentDataContainer.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of value
      Z - type of value
      key - key to check
      type - type of key
      true if the key is set
    • remove

      public <T, Z> boolean remove(NamespacedKey key, PersistentDataType<T,Z> type)
      Remove a key from the PersistentDataContainer if it is set.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of value
      Z - type of value
      key - key to check
      type - type of key
      true if the key was present and removed.