Interface DebugDataProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
EldoPlugin, JacksonConfig

public interface DebugDataProvider
A interface which allows to provide additional data when a plugin is debugged via DebugUtil.

Use getDebugInformations() to provide information about the current object instance.

Use getDebugProviders() to provide other debug providers.

Your plugin instance is the entry point for debugging. If you want to use this interface your plugin class has to implement it.

Instance of EldoPlugin are already a DebugDataProvider. Just override the method.

  • Method Details

    • getDebugInformations

      @NotNull @NotNull EntryData[] getDebugInformations()
      Get debug information for the current object instance.
      array of entry data.
    • getDebugProviders

      @NotNull default @NotNull List<DebugDataProvider> getDebugProviders()
      Get one or more debug providers which should be debugged.

      Make sure to avoid loops.

      This function will be first tried to call on the plugin instance. This is the debug entry point. Return more debug providers from this inital point.

      Returned debug providers can also return other debug providers and so on.

      list of other debug providers.