Interface ContainerPagedAccess<T>

Type Parameters:
T - Type of the container entries.

public interface ContainerPagedAccess<T>
An interface which represents paged access to a Container.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    page(int page, int size)
    Get a page from this container.
    default int
    pages(int size)
    Amount of pages.
    Total amount of entries in this container.
  • Method Details

    • size

      int size()
      Total amount of entries in this container.

      This value should change when the container size changes. For example in case of addition or removal of an entry.

      the current size of the container
    • pages

      default int pages(int size)
      Amount of pages.

      The ceiled value of a division of size() and the input parameter.

      size - size of a page
      the amount of pages
    • page

      CompletableFuture<List<T>> page(int page, int size)
      Get a page from this container.

      A page is considered a subset of all saved entries. The order of the entries should be fixed and ideally defined by being ordered by some named identifier.

      page - page index. Zero based
      size - size of the page content
      a list of entries of this page.